About the Collection

Project idea, creation, and work by John Knight.

Project objects are from the creator’s personal video game collection. Many of the objects were bought or gifted when each platform was current and relevant, while some particular items were bought from reseller shops.

Special thanks to GitHub and CollectionBuilder, which much of this collection is built upon.

Object scanning thanks to the Indiana University Wells Library Digitization room, first floor east tower. Objects scanned using an Epson Expression 10000XL flatbed scanner.

The Metadata standards were closely modeled off of the DublinCore standard for easy compatibility and format conversion for analytical usage. New fields and terms were created when needed, like with Platform and Franchise which are unique to media materials.

For the Genre elements, the University of Washington’s CV GAMEPLAY GENRE list is used as the vocabulary schema. See the full list here.

Due to the relative recent birth of the medium, all video games in the collection fall under the protection of US copyright law. Video game legality has been persistently a legal gray area, but the types of files in this collection are also easily accessible online. Since this collection is personal and is for educational purposes, it should fall under fair use see here for greater detail about fair use and copyright. If you are a copyright holder of material in this collection and you are offended or upset at the material being hosted on this website, all offensive or damaging material will be taken down upon request.

Requests, comments, and other inquieries can be reached out at knightj343@gmail.com

Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder

This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.

The site started from the CollectionBuilder-GH template which utilizes the static website generator Jekyll and GitHub Pages to build and host digital collections and exhibits.

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